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Asian Cockroach Cockroaches

Recently we are facing new challenge in controlling new type of cockroach was not exciting in Dubai in last decades. 

Blattella Asahinai, the Asian cockroach is a species of cockroach that was first described in 1981 from insects collected on Okinawa Island, Japan. 


The Asian cockroach is nearly identical to the German cockroach (Blattella germanica) except for a few minor morphological differences. Like the German cockroach, it is about 1.6 cm long, is tan to brown in colour, and has wings. However, its wings are longer than the German cockroach, and a difference is seen between a groove in the abdomen between the two species. The quickest way to tell the difference to light, unlike the German cockroach. This species tends to prefer the outdoors, whereas the German cockroach prefer living indoors.

Asian cockroaches can enter homes by accident through doors, windows, and poorly fitted seals. Attracted to light, they may fly towards bright entrance and garden light.

Asian cockroaches may carry disease. When they walk over pantry goods, counters, and cooking utensils, these pests might also trigger allergic reactions in some people.

How to prevent Asian Cockroach entering your house:

Sanitation come’s first:

Like most pests, Asian roaches require 3 things to thrive-food, water, and harbourage. If you can eliminate even one of these things through proper sanitation, the roach population will be forced to either die or move someplace else.

  • Discard old boxes and piles of papers where roaches can hide.
  • Use a waste bin or trash can with a tight-fitting lid and keep trash in a close plastic bag overnight.
  • Fix leaky drains and faucets; roaches can live on water alone.
  • Clean kitchen appliances thoroughly.
  • Empty pet food containers at night or place them on the back porch or in a plastic bag.
  • Vacuum regularly and restrict food consumption to one room of the house. This will help keep Asian roaches and other pests from spreading into others areas such as bedrooms.
  • Always use heat treated manure in your garden.


Contact your pest management professional and request an inspection, to prepare a comprehensive pest management plan that will effectively and efficiently deal with the specific pest problem.